University of Technology Sydney

2024 Principal dates

You can view 2023 Principal dates here.

1New Year's Day – Public holiday
1Enrolment period commences for new graduate research students for Research Session 1, 2024 (ends May 31)1
2January Short Session 2024 commences (ends 9 February)
2University re-opens (closed on 22 December 2023)
2Summer Session for Main Calendar and Health UG Calendar 2023 classes recommences (commenced 4 December 2023)12
2Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for January to March Session Offshore Calendar4
2Applications close for Session 1 – UTS Parallel Calendar14
4Closing date (midnight) for UAC change of preference for January Round 1 undergraduate offers5
5Confirmation of offer and meeting of eligibility requirements emailed to Early Entry offer holders (IB students)
5Release of results for October to December Session 2023 - Offshore only
5Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for January Short Sessions Calendar4
8Applications close for Session 1 at 12pm - UTS Online Calendar2
8-14Orientation for Session 1 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,14
9Census date January to March Offshore Session4
11UAC January Round 1 undergraduate offers e-released (from 7.30am)5
11Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) in January Short Sessions
11Census date for January Short Session 20244,7
15Closing date for graduate research applications from international students seeking UTS competitive scholarships for Research Session 2, 20241,3
15Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) Session 1 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,14
15Session 1 commences - UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,14
17Closing date (midnight) for UAC change of preference for January Round 2 undergraduate offers5
19Fees due date for PG Domestic and International tuition fees for Session 1 - UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,4,14
24UAC January Round 2 undergraduate offers e-released (from 7.30am)5
25Census date Session 1 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,7,14
25Last day to withdraw from subjects Session 1 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,7,14
25Release of results for December session 2023
26Australia Day – public holiday
28Final closing date for local postgraduate coursework applications for Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar, Education UG + PG Calendar and Health Extended Teaching Calendar Autumn Session 202411,12,13
31Applications for Honours, Diplomas, non-award and cross-institutional close for Main Calendar and Health UG Calendar Autumn Session 2024 (opened 4 September 2023)11,12,13
1Closing date (midnight) for UAC change of preference for February Round 1 undergraduate offers5
2Release of results for December to February Session 2024 - Offshore only
2Final closing date (midnight) for undergraduate UAC applications for Main Calendar, Health UG, and Education UG5
2Last date to apply for change of details (ie. name change) for students completing their course in Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar, Education UG + PG Calendar and Health Extended Teaching Calendar Spring Session 2023, Session 6 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar 2023 October Short Session, November Short Session, August to October Offshore Session, October to December, December to February Offshore Session 20232,11,12,13,14
6Closing date for applications for UTS Elite Athlete Program (Sports Scholarships) (opens 4 December 2023)3
5Applications open for postgraduate coursework programs for Main Calendar Spring and Summer session 2024
5Applications open for postgraduate online coursework programs for Sessions 4 to 6 for UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar 20242,14
5February Short Session 2024 commences (ends 15 March)
5-16Orientation for Main Calendar and Health UG Calendar Autumn Session 202412
8UAC February Round 1 undergraduate offers e-released (from 7.30am)5
9Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for February Short Sessions Calendar4
9January Short Session ends (commenced 2 January)
9Closing date (midnight) for UAC change of preference for February Round 2 undergraduate offers5
12-16Orientation for Education UG+PG and Health Extended Teaching Calendar Autumn Session 202411,13
13-14UTS O'Week
15UAC February Round 2 undergraduate offers e-released (from 7.30am)5
15Census date for February Short Session 20244,7
15Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) in February Short Sessions
16Last day of teaching for Summer Main Calendar and Health UG Calendar Session 2023 (commenced 5 December 2023)12
16UTS O'Fest
16Release of results for January Session 2024
19Education UG+PG Calendar Autumn Session 2024 commences (ends 7 June)13
19Health Extended Teaching Calendar Autumn Session 2024 commences (ends 31 May)11
19Health UG Autumn Session 2024 commences (ends 17 May)12
19Main Calendar Autumn Session 2024 commences (ends 17 May)
25Applications close for Session 2 – UTS Parallel Calendar14
26March to May Offshore Session commences (ends 31 May)
3Session 1 - UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar ends (commenced 15 January)2,14
4Applications close for Session 2 at 12pm - UTS Online Calendar2
4Last day to be admitted to a course or enrol in (add) subjects for Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar, Education UG + PG Calendar Health Extended Teaching Calendar Autumn Session 202411,12,13
4March Short Session 2023 commences (ends 12 April)
4Release of results for Summer Main Calendar Session 2023
4-10Orientation for Session 2 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,14
7Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for Main Calendar, Health Extended Teaching Calendar, Health UG Calendar and Education UG + PG Calendar Autumn Session 20244
8Release of results for Session 1 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online2,14
8January to March Offshore Session ends (commenced 4 December 2023)
8Last date to apply for change of details (ie. name change) for students completing their course in Summer Session, Session 1 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar 2024 January Short Session 20242,14
8Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for March Short Sessions Calendar4
11Session 2 commences - UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,14
11Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) Session 2 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,14
13Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for March to May Session Offshore Calendar4
15Census date for March Short Session 20244,7
15Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) in March Short Sessions
15Fees due date for PG Domestic and International tuition fees for Session 2 - UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,4,14
15February Short Session 2024 ends (commenced 5 February)
15Release of results for January to March Session 2024 - Offshore only
20Census date for Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar, Education UG + PG Calendar, Health Extended Teaching Calendar Autumn Session – last day to withdraw from coursework subjects or apply for leave of absence7,11,12,13
20March to May Offshore Session census date
20Coursework census date for 2024 Research Session 1, applies to Graduate Research Students for the following course variations: a) Course transfer (includes transfer from Master’s by Research to PhD; transfer from PhD to Master’s by Research; transfer courses and/or thesis subjects within or to another faculty; b) Change study load (also knowns as attendance pattern) (from full time to part time or vice versa); c) Withdraw from coursework subject(s) if enrolled in coursework subject(s) – both compulsory and non-compulsory; d) Withdraw from PhD/Master’s by Research course if enrolled in coursework subject(s); e) Apply for Leave of Absence for student(s) who are enrolled in coursework subjects.1
21Census date Session 2 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,7,14
21Last day to withdraw from subjects Session 2 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,7,14
22Release of results for February Session 2024
29Good Friday – public holiday
1Easter Monday – public holiday
2April Short Session 2023 commences (ends 10 May)
3Due date for payment of Student Services and Amenities Fee for all Commonwealth-supported, local fee-paying and international coursework students for Main Calendar, Health Extended Teaching Calendar, Health UG Calendar and Education UG + PG Calendar Autumn Session 20244
5Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for April Short Sessions Calendar4
8Applications for Course Transfer (Continuing) for Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar, Education UG + PG Calendar and Health Extended Teaching Calendar Spring Session 2024 open (close 30 June 2024)11,12,13
10Postgraduate Recruitment Event
11Census date for April Short Session 20244,7
11Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) in April Short Sessions
12March Short Session 2024 ends (commenced 4 March)
15-21Mid-Session StuVac for Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar, Education UG + PG Calendar Autumn and Health Extended Teaching Calendar Autumn Session8,12,13
15NSW public school holidays term 1 commences (ends 28 April)
15May to July Offshore Session commences (ends 19 July)
21Applications close for Session 3 - UTS Parallel Calendar14
24Examination timetable for centrally conducted examinations available for Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar, Education UG + PG Calendar and Health Extended Teaching Calendar Autumn Session 202411,12,13
24Release of results for March Session 2024
25ANZAC Day – public holiday
28Session 2 UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar ends (Commenced 11 March)2,14
29Orientation for Session 3 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar (ends 5 May)2,14
29Applications close for Session 3 at 12pm - UTS Online Calendar2
29Allocation into subject activities opens for all students for second half of 2024
30Closing date for application for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate coursework from international students based outside Australia for Spring Session 2024
30Closing date for graduate research applications from domestic students seeking UTS competitive scholarships including Australian Government Research Training Program Stipend (RTPS) Scholarships for 2024 Research Session 21,3
3Release of results for Session 2 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online2,14
3Last date to apply for change of details (ie. name change) for students completing their course in Session 2 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar 2024, February Short Session, March Short Session, January to March Offshore Session 20242,14
6May Short Session 2024 commences (ends 14 June)
6Session 3 commences - UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar (ends 23 June)2,14
6Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) Session 3 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,14
7Census date May to July Offshore Session
10Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for May Short Sessions Calendar4
10April Short Session end date (commenced 2 April)
10Fees due date for PG Domestic and International tuition fees for Session 3 - UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,4,14
16Census date for May Short Session 20244,7
16Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) in May Short Sessions
16Census date Session 3 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,7,14
16Last day to withdraw from subjects Session 3 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,14
17Last day of teaching for Autumn Main Calendar and Health UG Calendar (commenced 19 February)12
17Release of results for April Session 2024
20-24Final StuVac for Main Calendar and Health UG Calendar Autumn Session 20249,12
24Fees due date for local and international higher degree research students for HDR Calendar, Research Session 1 20241,4,6
25Final assessment period commences (includes centrally conducted examinations) for Main Calendar and Health UG Calendar Autumn Session 2024 (ends 15 June)10,12
27July to September Offshore Session commences (ends 30 August)
30Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for May to July Session Offshore Calendar4
31Last day for graduate research students to submit to GRS, with Faculty approval, requests to withdraw, change of residency or take leave of absence (For students not enrolled in coursework subjects) for Research Session 1, 20241
31Enrolment of new graduate research students for 2024 Research Session 1 ends1
31Closing date for application for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate coursework from international students based in Australia for Spring Session 2024
31Last day of Teaching for Health Extended Teaching Calendar Autumn session (commenced 19 February)11
31March to May Offshore Session end date (commenced 26 February)
3June Short Session 2024 commences (ends 12 July)
3-7Final StuVac for Health Extended Teaching Calendar Autumn Session9,11
5Applications open for the UTS Early Entry Program for Autumn 2025
7Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for June Short Sessions Calendar4
7Last day of Teaching for Autumn Education UG+PG Calendar (commenced 19 February)13
7Release of results for March to May Session 2024 - Offshore only
8-22Final assessment period (includes centrally conducted examinations) for Health Extended Teaching Calendar Autumn Session 202410,11
10King's Birthday – public holiday
10-14Final StuVac for Education UG+PG Calendar9,13
11Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for July to September Session Offshore Calendar4
13Census date for June Short Session 20244,7
13Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) in June Short Sessions
14May Short Session ends (commenced 6 May)
14Farewell ceremony for international students completing studies in Autumn Session 2024
15Final assessment period ends (includes centrally conducted examinations) for Main Calendar and Health UG Calendar Autumn Session 2024 (commenced 25 May 2024)10,12
15-29Final assessment period (includes centrally conducted examinations) for Education UG + PG Calendar Autumn Session 202410,13
16Applications close for Session 4 - UTS Parallel Calendar14
18Census date July to September Offshore Session
21Release of results for May Session 2024
21Closing date for international exchange outbound applications for Autumn Session 2025
23Session 3 UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar ends (commenced 6 May)2,14
24Applications close for Session 4 at 12pm - UTS Online Calendar2
24-30Orientation for Session 4 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar commences2,14
26Mid year applications open for 2024 UTS Elite Athlete Program (Sports Scholarships)3
28Release of results for Session 3 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online2,14
30Final closing date for local postgraduate coursework applications for Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar, Education UG + PG Calendar and Health Extended Teaching Calendar Spring Session 202411,12,13
30Applications for Course Transfer (Continuing) for Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar, Education UG + PG Calendar and Health Extended Teaching Calendar Spring Session 2024 close (opened 8 April 2024)11,12,13
30Due date for payment of Student Services and Amenities Fee for local and international higher degree research students for HDR Calendar, Research Session 1 20244
30Research census date. Last day for processing graduate research students’ requests to withdraw, change of residency or take leave of absence (For students not enrolled in coursework subjects) for Research Session 1, 2024. Requests must be received by GRS complete with faculty approvals no later than 31 May 20241
30Applications for Honours, Diplomas, non-award and cross-institutional close for Main Calendar and Health UG Calendar Spring Session 2024 (opened 4 December 2023)12
30Last day of Research Session 1 2024 for graduate research students1
1Enrolment period for new graduate research students for Research Session 2, 2024 commences (ends 30 November)1
1Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) Session 4 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,14
1July Short Session 2024 commences (ends 9 August)
1Release of results for Autumn Main Calendar and Health UG Calendar Session 202412
1Session 4 commences - UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar (ends 18 August)2,14
5Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for July Short Sessions Calendar4
5Fees due date for PG Domestic and International tuition fees for Session 4 - UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar 42,4,14
8Release of results for Autumn Education UG + PG Calendar and Health Extended Teaching Calendar Session 202411,13
8NSW public school holidays term 2 commences (ends 19 July)
8-13Rescheduled and Alternative centrally conducted examinations for Main Calendar, Health UG, Education UG + PG and Health Extended Teaching Calendar Autumn Session 202411,12,13
11Last day to withdraw from subjects Session 4 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar 20242,7,14
11Census date Session 4 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,7,14
11Census date for July Short Session 20244,7
11Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) in July Short Sessions
12June Short Session 2024 end date (commenced 3 June)
12Last date to apply for change of details (ie. name change) for students completing their course in Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar, Education UG + PG Calendar and Health Extended Teaching Calendar Autumn Session 2024, Session 3 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar 2024, April Short Session, May Short Session, March to May Offshore 20242,11,12,13,14
15Education UG+PG Calendar Spring Session 2024 commences (ends 1 November)13
15-19Orientation for Health Extended Teaching Calendar Spring Session 202411
19Closing date for mid year applications for 2024 UTS Elite Athlete Program (Sports Scholarships) (opened 26 June)3
19May to July Offshore Session ends (commenced 15 April)
19Release of results for June Session 2024
22Health Extended Teaching Calendar Spring Session 2024 commences (ends 1 November)11
26Release of results for May to July Session 2024 - Offshore only
29August to October Offshore Session commences (ends 1 November)
29Last day to be admitted to a course or to enrol in (add) subjects for Education UG + PG Calendar Spring Session
29Orientation for Main Calendar and Health UG Calendar Spring Sessions 2024 (ends 2 August)12
TBCApplications open for postgraduate coursework programs for Autumn 2025 and Health Extended Teaching Calendar Autumn Session 2025
31UTS O' Day: Clubs, Societies, Games and more
5August Short Session commences (ends 13 September)
5Last day to be admitted to a course or to enrol in (add) subjects for Health Extended Teaching Calendar Spring Session
5Main Calendar and Health UG Spring Session 2024 commences (both end 1 November)12
8Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for Health Extended Teaching Calendar and Education UG + PG Calendar Spring Session 20244
TBCUTS Winterfest
9Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for August Short Sessions Calendar4
9July Short Session 2024 ends (commenced 1 July)
11Applications close for Session 5 - UTS Parallel Calendar14
15Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for Main Calendar and Health UG Calendar Spring Session 20244
15Census date for August Short Session 20244,7
15Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) in August Short Sessions
16Release of results for July Session 2024
18Session 4 UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar ends (commenced 1 July)2,14
19Applications close for Session 5 at 12pm - UTS Online Calendar2
19Last day to be admitted to a course or to enrol in (add) subjects for Main Calendar and Health UG Calendar Spring Session12
19-25Orientation for Session 5 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,14
20Census date August to October Offshore Session
21Census date for Health Extended Teaching Calendar and Education UG+PG Calendar Spring Session 2024 – last day to withdraw from coursework subjects or apply for leave of absence7,11,13
23Release of results for Session 4 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online2,14
23Last date to apply for change of details (ie. name change) for students completing their course in Session 4 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar 2023, June Short Session, July Short Session, May to July Offshore Session 20242,14
26Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) Session 5 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,14
26Session 5 commences - UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar (ends 15 October)2,14
28Coursework census date for 2024 Research Session 2, applies to Graduate Research Students for the following course variations: a) Course transfer (includes transfer from Master’s by Research to PhD; transfer from PhD to Master’s by Research; transfer courses and/or thesis subjects within or to another faculty; b) Change study load (also knowns as attendance pattern) (from full time to part time or vice versa); c) Withdraw from coursework subject(s) if enrolled in coursework subject(s) – both compulsory and non-compulsory; d) Withdraw from PhD/Master’s by Research course if enrolled in coursework subject(s); e) Apply for Leave of Absence for student(s) who are enrolled in coursework subjects.1
28Census date for Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar Spring Session 2024 – last day to withdraw from coursework subjects or apply for leave of absence12
30Closing date for application for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate coursework from international students based outside Australia for Summer Session 2024
30July to September Offshore Session ends (commenced 27 May)
30Fees due date for PG Domestic and International tuition fees for Session 5 - UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,4,14
31UTS Open Day
2Applications open for Honours, Diplomas, non-award and cross-institutional for Main Calendar and Health UG Calendar Autumn 202512
2September Short Session commences (ends 11 October)
5Last day to withdraw from subjects Session 5 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,7,14
5Census date Session 5 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,7,14
6Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for September Short Sessions Calendar4
6Release of results for July to September Session 2024 - Offshore only
TBCClosing date for graduate research applications from international students seeking UTS competitive scholarships for Research Session 1, 20251,3
TBCApplications open for postgraduate online coursework programs for Sessions 1-3, 2025
9Applications close for the UTS Early Entry Program for Autumn 2025
9Applications for Course Transfer (Continuing) for Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar, Education UG + PG Calendar and Health Extended Teaching Calendar Autumn Session 2025 open (close 10 November 2024)12,13
11Due date for payment of Student Services and Amenities Fee for all Commonwealth-supported, local fee-paying and international coursework students for Main Calendar, Health Extended Teaching Calendar, Health UG Calendar and Education UG + PG Calendar Spring Session 20244,11,12,13
12Census date for September Short Session 20244,7
12Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) in September Short Sessions
13August Short Session ends (commenced 5 August)
16October to December Offshore Session commences (ends 20 December)
16-22Mid-Session StuVac for Health Extended Teaching Calendar Spring Session 20248,11
20Release of results for August Session 2024
26Provisional Offers release for Early Entry Program for Autumn 2025
30Mid-Session StuVac for Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar, Education UG + PG Calendar Spring Session(ends 6 October)8,12,13
30NSW public school holidays term 3 commences (ends 11 Oct)
30Closing date for application for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate coursework from international students based in Australia for Summer Session 2024
1Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for October to December Session Offshore Calendar4
4Examination timetable for centrally conducted examinations available for Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar, Education UG + PG Calendar and Health Extended Teaching Calendar Spring Session 202411,12,13
6Applications close for Session 6 - UTS Parallel Calendar14
7Labour Day – public holiday
8October Short Session commences (ends 15 November)
8Census date October to December Offshore Session
11Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for October Short Sessions Calendar4
11September Short Session ends (commenced 2 September)
13Session 5 - UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar ends (commenced 26 August)2,14
14Applications close for Session 6 at 12pm - UTS Online Calendar2
14-20Orientation for Session 6 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,14
17Census date for October Short Session 20244,7
17Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) in October Short Sessions
TBCClosing date for graduate research applications from domestic students seeking UTS competitive scholarships including Australian Government Research Training Program Stipend (RTPS) Scholarships for Research Session 1, 20251,3
TBCEnrolment opens for continuing students for 20252,11,12,13,14
18Release of results for September Session 2024
18Release of results for Session 5 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online2,14
21Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) Session 6 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,14
21Session 6 commences - UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar (ends 8 December)2,14
21December to February Offshore Session commences (ends 24 January 2025)
25Fees due date for PG Domestic and International tuition fees for Session 6 - UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,4,14
28Enrolment opens for new undergraduate and postgraduate students for 20252,11,12,13,14
TBCPostgraduate Recruitment Event
31Last day to withdraw from subjects Session 6 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,7,14
31Census date Session 6 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,7,14
1August to October Offshore Session ends (commenced 29 July)
1Last day of Teaching for Spring Health Extended Teaching Calendar (commenced 22 July) and Education UG+PG Calendar (commenced 15 July)11,13
1Last day of teaching for Spring Main Calendar and Health UG Calendar (commenced 5 August)12
TBCFinal closing date for local postgraduate coursework applications for Main Calendar Summer Session 2024
4November Short Session commences (ends 13 December)
4-8Final StuVac for Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar Spring Session 2024,Education UG+PG Calendar, Health Extended Teaching Calendar Spring Session 20249,11,12,13
5Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for December to February Session Offshore Calendar4
8Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for November Short Sessions Calendar4
8Release of results for August to October Session 2024 - Offshore only
8Last date to apply for change of details (ie. name change) for students completing their course in Session 5 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar 2024, August Short Session, September Short Session, July to September Offshore Session, August to October Offshore Session20242,14
9-30 Final assessment period (includes centrally conducted examinations) for Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar Spring Session 202410,12
9-23Final assessment period (includes centrally conducted examinations) for Health Extended Teaching Calendar and Education UG+PG Calendar Spring Session 202410,11,13
10Applications for Course Transfer (Continuing) for Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar, Education UG + PG Calendar and Health Extended Teaching Calendar Autumn Session 2025 close (opened 9 September 2024)11,12,13
12Census date December to February Offshore Session
14Census date for November Short Session 20244,7
14Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) in November Short Sessions
15October Short Session ends (commenced 8 October)
21Farewell ceremony for international students completing studies in Spring Session 2024
22Release of results for October Session 2024
22Fees due date for local and international higher degree research students for HDR Calendar, Research Session 2 20241,4,6
TBC2025 University timetable published online
30Enrolment of new graduate research students for 2024 Research Session 2 ends1
30Last day for graduate research students to submit to GRS, with Faculty approval, requests to withdraw, change of residency or take leave of absence (For students not enrolled in coursework subjects) for Research Session 2, 2024
30Closing date for application for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate coursework from international students based outside Australia for Autumn Session 2025
2December Short Session commences (ends 17 January 2024)
2-6Orientation for Main Calendar Summer Session 2024
2Main Calendar Summer Session 2024 commences (ends 14 February 2025)
TBCApplications open for 2025 UTS Elite Athlete Program (Sports Scholarships)3
TBCAllocation into subject activities opens for all students for first half of 2025
6Closing date for international exchange outbound applications for Spring Session 2025
6Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for December Short Sessions Calendar4
6Fees due date for HECS, Postgraduate domestic, Undergraduate domestic and International tuition fees for Main Calendar Summer Session 20244
8Session 6 - UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar ends (commenced 21 October)2,14
12Census date for December Short Session 20244,7
12Last day to be admitted and enrol (add subjects) in December Short Sessions
TBCNSW Higher School Certificate (HSC) results released (from 6am)5
13Release of results for Session 6 – UTS Parallel Calendar and UTS Online Calendar2,14
13November Short Session ends (commenced 4 November)
15Closing date for application for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate coursework from international students based inside Australia for Autumn Session 2025
TBCClosing date (midnight) for UAC change of preference for December Round 2 undergraduate offers5
16-20Rescheduled and Alternative centrally conducted examinations for Main Calendar, Health UG, Education UG + PG and Health Extended Teaching Calendar Spring Session 202411,12,13
16Release of results for Spring Main Calendar, Health Extended Teaching Calendar, Health UG Calendar and Education UG + PG Calendar Session 202411,12,13
16Last day to be admitted to a course or enrol in (add) subjects for Main Calendar Summer Session 2024
18Census date for Main Calendar Summer Session 2024 – last day to withdraw from coursework subjects4,7
TBCUAC December Round 2 undergraduate offers e-released (from 7.30am)5
20October to December Offshore Session ends (commenced 16 September)
20Release of results for November Session 2024
23NSW public school holidays term 4 commences (ends 31 January 2025)
23-29Mid-Session StuVac for Main Calendar Summer Session 2024 commences8
25Christmas Day – public holiday (observed)
26Boxing Day – public holiday
31Last day of Research Session 2 2024 for graduate research students1
31Research census date. Last day for processing requests from graduate research students who are not enrolled in coursework subjects to withdraw, change of residency or take leave of absence for 2024 Research Session 2. Requests must be received by GRS with complete faculty approvals no later than 30 November 2024.1
31Due date for payment of Student Services and Amenities Fee for all local and international higher degree research students for HDR Calendar, Research Session 2 20241
TBCApplications open for Diploma, honours, non-award and cross-institutional subjects for Main Calendar, Health UG Calendar, Education UG + PG Calendar and Health Extended Teaching Calendar Spring Session 202512
TBCConfirmation of offer and meeting of eligibility requirements emailed to Early Entry provisional offer holders (NSW/ACT students)
TBCConfirmation of offer and meeting of eligibility requirements emailed to Early Entry provisional offer holders (Interstate students)
TBCAustralian Tertiary Admission Ranks (ATARs) released by UAC (from 9am)4,5



  1. Graduate research students shall refer to Enrolment information.
  2. UTS Online dates apply to the following courses:
    • Graduate Certificate in Acute Care Nursing (C11357))
    • Graduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing (C11303)
    • Graduate Certificate in Artificial Intelligence Management (C11339)
    • Graduate Certificate in Behavioural Economics (C11299))
    • Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (C11353)
    • Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics (C11305)
    • Graduate Certificate in Business Consulting and Technology Implementation (C11355))
    • Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Health (C11358))
    • Graduate Certificate in Critical Care (C11331)
    • Graduate Certificate in Cybersecurity Management (C11340)
    • Graduate Certificate in Digital Marketing (C11306)
    • Graduate Certificate in Education (Learning and Leadership) (C11336)
    • Graduate Certificate in Health Analytics (C11329)
    • Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management (C11304)
    • Graduate Certificate in Marketing and Digital Strategy (C11345)
    • Graduate Certificate in Medical Science Innovation (C11364))
    • Graduate Certificate in Mental Health (C11333)
    • Graduate Certificate in Nursing Education (C11351)
    • Graduate Certificate in Professional and Organisational Learning (C11337)
    • Graduate Certificate in Property Development (C11356))
    • Graduate Certificate in Psychology (Exit only) (C11352)
    • Graduate Certificate in Public Engagement in Medical Science (C11363))
    • Graduate Certificate in Public Health (C11328)
    • Graduate Certificate in Public Health and Communicable Disease (C11330)
    • Graduate Certificate in Science Leadership (C11366))
    • Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Energy Technologies (C11368))
    • Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Leadership (C11370))
    • Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Practice (C11369))
    • Graduate Certificate in Technology Management (C11341)
    • Graduate Certificate in Urban Planning and Design (C11343)
    • Graduate Certificate in Women's and Children's Health (C11362))
    • Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (Exit only) (C07149)
    • Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics (Exit only) (C07145)
    • Graduate Diploma in Digital Marketing (Exit only) (C07146)
    • Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (C06149)
    • Graduate Diploma in Psychology (C06148)
    • Graduate Diploma in Public Health (C06141))
    • Graduate Diploma in Technology Management (Exit only) (C06142)
    • Graduate Diploma in Urban Design (Exit only) (C06144)
    • Graduate Diploma in Urban Planning (Exit only) (C06145)
    • Master of Advanced Nursing (C04408)
    • Master of Behavioural Economics (C04440) )
    • Master of Business Administration (C04444)
    • Master of Business Analytics (C04412)
    • Master of Digital Marketing (C04413)
    • Master of Education (Learning and Leadership) (C04427)
    • Master of Health Services Management (C04409)
    • Master of Medical Science Leadership (C04451))
    • Master of Property Development (C04445))
    • Master of Public Health (C04425)
    • Master of Sustainable Energy (C04453))
    • Master of Sustainable Leadership (C04452))
    • Master of Technology Management (C04434)
    • Master of Urban Design (C04439)
    • Master of Urban Planning (C04441)
    • Master of Women's and Children's Health (C04447))
    • Executive Master of Technology Management (C04435)
  3. Information about the application and closing dates for all scholarships is available via Scholarships.
  4. HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, local award, and international fee payment information is available via Fees and Payment. Full financial liability applies after the census dates. For onshore and offshore census dates and details for all teaching Sessions, see Academic year dates.
  5. Dates for the release of 2023 HSC results are available from NSW Government HSC and ATARs are available from UAC.
  6. Census dates for research degree students are later in the year for Autumn and Spring Sessions due to the flexible start dates for these students at UTS. Full financial and load liability applies after these.
  7. Census date: Last day to withdraw from a subject without incurring academic penalty and financial liability.
  8. Mid-Session StuVac (Study vacation):
    Includes: one day on which formal classes may be scheduled to make up for those missed due to public holidays or University emergencies in the first half of the teaching Session; activity-based learning such as field trips, etc.
    Students must be advised of these activities at the beginning of the teaching Session as part of the subject outline.
    Does not include: formal classes; assessment submission deadlines; examinations.
    Students on professional experience placements do not participate in StuVac.
  9. Final StuVac (Study vacation):
    Includes: one day on which formal classes may be scheduled to make up for those missed due to public holidays or University emergencies in the second half of the teaching Session; non-compulsory review/revision Sessions for students.
    Does not include: formal classes; assessment deadlines.
    Faculties must not introduce any new material in this week (with the exception of the catch-up class schedule due to public holidays or University emergencies).
    Students on professional experience placements do not participate in StuVac.
  10. Final assessment period:
    Includes: centrally conducted examinations; faculty-based assessment and examinations; completion of projects and other major assessment works.
  11. Health - Extended Teaching Calendar (Calendar B)
    • Master of Pharmacy (C04252)
    • Master of Orthoptics (C04299)
    • Master of Clinical Psychology (C04300)
    • Master of Good Manufacturing Practice (C04301)
    • Master of Physiotherapy (C04306)
    • Master of Genetic Counselling (C04374)
    • Master of Speech Pathology (C04386)
    • Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences (C06100)
    • Graduate Diploma in Good Manufacturing Practice (C06115)
    • Graduate Diploma in Applied Human Studies (C06118)
    • Graduate Diploma in Genetic Counselling (C06127)
    • Graduate Diploma in Speech and Language Sciences (C06130)
    • Graduate Diploma in Vision Science (C07141)
    • Graduate Certificate in Pharmaceutical Sciences (C11230)
    • Graduate Certificate in Good Manufacturing Practice (C11249)
    • Graduate Certificate in Applied Human Studies (C11260)
    • Graduate Certificate in Genetic Counselling (C11277)
    • Graduate Certificate in Speech and Language Sciences (C11283)
    • Graduate Certificate in Vision Science (C11292)
  12. Health UG Calendar (Calendar C)
    • Bachelor of Nursing (C10122)
    • Bachelor of Midwifery (C10225)
    • Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (C10300)
    • Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management (C10301)
    • Bachelor of Health Science (C10360)
    • Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) (C09018)
    • Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) (C09049)
    • Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours) (C09051)
    • Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Honours) (C09057)
    • Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of International Studies (C10123)
    • Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of International Studies (C10302)
    • Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management Bachelor of International Studies (C10303)
    • Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (C10328)
    • Bachelor of Midwifery Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (C10329)
    • Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (C10351)
  13. Education UG and PG (Calendar D)
    • Master of Teaching in Secondary Education (C04255)
    • Bachelor of Science Master of Teaching in Secondary Education *Please note this is only from the second year of the course. The first year of the courses follows the Main Calendar (C10404)
    • Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) Master of Teaching in Secondary Education *Please note this is only from the second year of the course. The first year of the courses follows the Main Calendar (C10405)
    • Bachelor of Engineering Studies Master of Teaching in Secondary Education *Please note this is only from the second year of the course. The first year of the courses follows the Main Calendar (C10406)
    • Bachelor of Business Master of Teaching in Secondary Education *Please note this is only from the second year of the course. The first year of the courses follows the Main Calendar (C10449)
    • Bachelor of Economics Master of Teaching in Secondary Education *Please note this is only from the second year of the course. The first year of the courses follows the Main Calendar (C10450)
  14. UTS Parallel Calendar
    • Graduate Certificate in Executive Management (C11338)
    • Graduate Certificate in Executive Business Practice (C11327)
    • Executive Master of Business Administration (C04424)


Information is correct at time of publication. The University reserves the right to vary any information described in Principal dates 2024 without notice.